Saturday 29 October 2016

Thursday 13 October 2016


This is a name which I did kind of invent, by combining two of my long-term favourite girls' names, Charlotte and Jessica.  I did also come up with Jessotte, but that just sounded strange, and I wouldn't consider it a usable name.  However, I liked Charlica - and, after some online research, discovered that it is a real name, that is in use, and has been since at least the 1800s. 

The popularity levels of the name are extremely low.  Apparently, there are currently eleven people in the USA with this name.  It isn't listed on any of the major baby names' websites.  I would imagine that the "-ica" part could be influenced by names such as Monica, Erica and Veronica, and not necessarily just Jessica, but clearly, it is intended to be an alternative version of Charlotte, and other feminine versions of the name Charles.

I really like this name, and I would be interested to find out more, although ultimately, it doesn't improve upon either Charlotte or Jessica, for me - but, since I love both of those names so much, it would be very hard to.  You could definitely use the popular nickname Charlie.